How To Talk To A Girl That You Like For The First Time!

     Rapport between members of the opposite sex can be a bit shaky at times. We are being scrutinized and judged, or at least believe we are, on every aspect of our looks and personality. If there's a level of physical attraction or sexual chemistry involved, the problem is compounded.
"Do I look alright?" "Did I say the right thing?" "Will she think I'm stupid if I talk about me or my job?"
     The key to breaking down that barrier of talking to an attractive girl for the first time is to focus outside of yourself. Don't talk about you. Talk about the situation you find yourself in; talk about current events; talk about political unrest in third world countries. It doesn't matter. The point is to let your voice be heard. And let it be heard in a way that does not scream, "Hey, look at me!"
     After the first neutral conversation has taken place, the next point of focus should be on her. Ask open ended, but not overtly personal questions about her interests, activities or abilities. People don't usually think you're dull if you find them interesting. Let her lead the direction of the conversation. Try to keep up your end of it by asking additional questions, or interjecting an anecdote or two of your own.
Keep a steady level of eye contact, but don't stare. Make eye contact often enough to show you're interested and confident enough in yourself to feel comfortable talking to her but not so much that you appear to be leering or gawking at her.
     Take your cues from her as to when to interject information about yourself. If she's a good conversationalist she will want to enjoy a balanced exchange of information between the two of you. If she doesn't start to ask questions that give you a lead into revealing more about yourself, this could be a sign that:
A) She is very self-centered and maybe not a person you really want to get to know better after all, or
B) She's just not that into you.
     Either way, if the conversation doesn't start to turn in the direction of a mutual exchange of information, there's a good chance things aren't going to turn out well.
Don't drag out the first conversation too long. If you reach a point where there seems to be a level of common ground, ask if you can make time to talk again sometime in the near future, perhaps over a cup of coffee or on your next break at work. Remember, the second time you talk to a girl you like, it will probably go more smoothly than the first.

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